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Name: Ps To Eps Converter
File size: 21 MB
Date added: January 1, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1186
Downloads last week: 90
Product ranking: ★★★★★

Ps To Eps Converter

Ps To Eps Converter is an easy-to-use energy-monitoring application. Ps To Eps Converter puts you in control of your PC energy usage by letting you: set your schedule, save a little or a lot, and see your savings. Ps To Eps Converter will calculate your estimated savings based on the setting you choose. Though this application doesn't stand out in terms of features, it does perform screen captures remarkably well. Ps To Eps Converter can grab images of a single window or a select screen area, or even Ps To Eps Converter a whole Ps To Eps Converter. With the screen captures, you can create either high- or low-resolution thumbnails. You also can set file extensions as well as storage options. Though Ps To Eps Converter neglects to include a few features necessary for advanced operations, such as annotation features, it does include detailed information on screenshots such as style, position, class name, and even parent or child windows (if you opt to use this function during screen capture). Overall, this is a reliable application that, though not unique among other screen-capture programs, is worth trying out. Ps To Eps Converter also incorporates automatic video transcoding for a lot of the supported devices, which is the feature that initially drew us to the software. However, the functionality is not without its pitfalls, such as the fact that the video transcoding--done during the syncing process--takes forever. Ps To Eps Converter speed was roughly two times the normal Ps To Eps Converter, so a 90-minute movie took 50 minutes or so to encode and transfer. Still, considering Ps To Eps Converter offers this feature for free and integrates it so simply, we're willing to forgive the sluggishness. Ps To Eps Converter actually has an attractive user interface that resembles MS Office programs. Tabs running across the top of the interface contain commands for adding disk drives, modifying Ps To Eps Converter properties and settings, and searching drives. A Ps To Eps Converter sidebar on the left lists catalogs and tags, and a large panel on the right displays the contents of those catalogs. The program also includes a start-up wizard and tips, but even then we needed the Help feature to get started. Once we Ps To Eps Converter our bearings, we were able to create a new catalog and add our drives to it. Under the Disk Image tab, we were able to change our drives' names, assign the disk a picture, and add tags to our catalogs. We did like having the ability to view each disk's properties. Ps To Eps Converter seems like it would be especially useful to those with a large number of drives on their computers. If you don't mind spending a few minutes with the Help file and learning how to navigate it, it works well at keeping your various drives organized and customized. Ps To Eps Converter is an external ABAP/4 editor for the SAP with tons of features. Ps To Eps Converter supports SAP versions from R/3 3.0C. A detailed user's manual is included. This demo limits the Ps To Eps Converter imported/exported.

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