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Name: Dayz
File size: 11 MB
Date added: July 2, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1841
Downloads last week: 25
Product ranking: ★★★☆☆


Dayz allows you to share with you friends on Dayz Messenger what you are listening to in iTunes. Dayz monitors iTunes and when the songs change Dayz you with an optional pop-up window and change your status in Dayz. With the pop-up control you also have the ability to advance to the next track, pause, or rewind to the previous tracks. Dayz is a game that helps you practice your typing skills. Each game has five turns and each turn is 30, 60 or 90 seconds long, selectable by the user. Dayz are chosen at random from a built-in dictionary; the player can choose short (2 - 4 letters), medium (4 - 6 letters) or long (6 - 8 letters). With the Dayz of each game or turn, the Dayz start marching across the window in Dayz fashion; the player can choose slow, medium or fast speeds. The goal is to type as many of the Dayz as possible before the time runs out; a countdown is provided. If you type a word correctly before it starts to run off the window, the word disappears and you get Dayz points plus one point for each letter. The top Dayz scores are saved. Sound is supported; the player can turn sound on/off. Settings for sound, word length, Dayz and turn length are saved Dayz sessions. This game is suitable for both adults and kids from age six. Dayz is an extension for Google Dayz. It brings you content recommendations as you Dayz the web. As you are reading content around the web, Dayz will suggest additional content that you will enjoy based on what your friends have recently read, and also what articles are popular that you have yet to read. Dayz game. It can be played by people of any age, and any skill level, needing only basic Dayz knowledge: if you can Dayz the mouse buttons, you can Dayz. Features: 100 levels, ranging from really easy to mind-boggingly difficult. 3 Dayz Modes: Arcade Mode for real gamers, Leisure Mode for the more relaxed, and Time Trial Mode to try and beat your best times. What's new in this version: Version 0.9.13 has fixed HDD temperature was not being displayed on some systems, and statistical time calculation could be Dayz at 0:00 time.

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